Know What to Look For: Symptoms of Juvenile Diabetes

If one does not know the symptoms of juvenile diabetes to look for, then they will never know they have the condition. One not only has to follow a juvenile diabetes diet but also has to monitor and balance the amount of insulin in their bodies. If this is not done, a person could go blind, experience kidney failure, and can even die. Thus, knowing the symptoms of juvenile diabetes is incredibly important. In fact, it truly is life or death!


Juvenile diabetes, often called Type 1 diabetes, means that a person can not produce enough insulin for their body or that their body can not process or respond to the produced insulin, or both. Thus, one of the most common symptoms of juvenile diabetes is if a person feels thirsty all of the time. Even if they carry a bottle of water with them throughout the day, they may still end up feeling very thirsty. Additionally, someone with this condition may also feel extremely hungry, even after consuming a big meal.

Similarly, another symptom of juvenile diabetes is bed wetting, even if they have been toil trained, and frequent urination. This means that the sugar is not being processed and is simply slipping through the body.


Another symptom of juvenile diabetes is weakness. Not only will a person feel as if they can’t pick up a book let alone make their bed or pick themselves up after a fall, but they will also feel tired all of the time. Someone who is untreated for juvenile diabetes could sleep for 14 hours and still feel incredibly tired. Additionally, it is common for someone to experience a lot of related irritability towards people they know. Because the symptoms of juvenile diabetes include weakness and fatigue, it is also common for a person to seem apathetic and depressed.

Nausea and Sight Issues

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If a person is not treated for this condition, a common symptom of juvenile diabetes is sight issues. This could mean everything from blurred vision to seeing lights to even experiencing some forms of blindness. Even if a person gets glasses, they will still have these sight issues. If not dealt with, the sight issues could result in permanent blindness.

Nausea and difficulty digesting food are two other common symptoms of juvenile diabetes. Because the body can’t process sugar, it will then make it difficult to eat without feeling uncomfortable or nauseous. This in turn can result in a dramatic decrease in weight.

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