Is There Anything Worse Than Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus?

If there is one good piece of news in regard to learning about diabetes it is that Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a condition that does not affect too many people – at least not as many people as will be affected by Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Of course, this is small consolation because anyone can develop Type 1 diabetes mellitus, especially if they have not as yet entered their midlife period. The bad news is that now even youngsters aged below fourteen have started to develop Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Worst Form Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition and unfortunately Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the worst form of diabetes as it is closely associated with the body being unable to produce insulin. When the pancreas and more particularly certain of its beta cells are destroyed the body loses its ability to produce insulin. The result has to live with Type 1 diabetes mellitus and that in turn means being dependent for the rest of your life in taking insulin either through injections or through oral consumption.

What’s worse is that being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes mellitus means you risk developing another disease which is hyperglycemia in which the blood glucose levels are out of control and more precisely glucose levels are too high for your health. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes mellitus include frequently urinating, frequently feeling hungry and also feeling thirsty a bit too often.

Consequences of Type 1 diabetes mellitus include developing blurred vision, feeling fatigued, losing weight as well as having low healing abilities. In addition, you will experience dryness in the mouth and your skin too can turn itchy as well as dry and males can become impotent. The immune system is considerably weakened and this means that you will easily develop infections.

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It is believed that among one hundred thousand people there would be between 3.7 to twenty persons that will have developed Type 1 diabetes mellitus. At present, it is believed that about seven hundred thousand Americans have developed Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Knows the common diabetes mellitus symptoms are good for you. If you look out for common symptoms you will be able to identify this silent killer disease well in time and so be in a stronger position to combat it. Increase in thirst and frequent urination as well as blurred vision as too nauseous feelings as well as vomiting are just some of the few symptoms that you need to be on the lookout for.

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