Common Juvenile Diabetes Facts

There are many juvenile diabetes facts that are disturbing for the parents and the patients. Type-1 diabetes suddenly strikes the children, and makes them dependent on the pumped or injected insulin for the rest of their lives. It also carries the life-long threat of serious complications.

Juvenile diabetes fact is that it is an autoimmune disease attacking the immune system of the body and destroying the cells that are responsible for producing insulin.

Some Other Common Juvenile Diabetes Facts

It is a common juvenile diabetes fact that people suffering from it need to take multiple injections of insulin daily or infuse in continually with the help of a pump. It is also important to check their blood sugar regularly by pricking their finger for blood, many times throughout the day. The patients must balance their daily activities and food intake with the insulin level.

A disturbing juvenile diabetes fact is that the insulin is not the cure, it just allows the person to stay alive. Insulin also does not prevent any devastating and eventual effects such as blindness, kidney failure, amputations, nerve damage, stroke, heart attack and pregnancy complications.

Another juvenile diabetes fact is that more and more children are being diagnosed with diabetes these days due to sedentary lifestyles and improper eating habits. However, genetics and environmental factors play an important role as well. There are some warning signs of juvenile diabetes that include frequent urination, extreme thirst, lethargy, drowsiness, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, increased appetite, sugar in urine, sudden vision change, labored or heavy breathing, odor on breath, and unconsciousness.

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Juvenile diabetes fact is that is can be very difficult and upsetting. It is life threatening, and it cannot be cured. There is a constant need of adjusting and factoring, in order to stay alive. Living with diabetes can be quite overwhelming initially, but once you have made the commitment, the adjustments can easily become a part of your routine. Juvenile diabetes diagnosis must be made on time, so that various complications associated with it can be avoided.

The juvenile diabetes fact is that it is not curable, but can be controlled to a great extent. It is important to have all the information you can get, and take the responsibility of taking care of yourself. In recent years, there have been advances in diabetes research, and it has led to better ways of controlling and treating the complications associated with juvenile diabetes. There are insulin pumps, oral hypoglycemic drug, and new improved blood glucose monitors that are now easily available to help the patients. It is also important for the expecting mothers to manage the gestational diabetes to ensure the safety of the fetus.

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