The Need To Have A Good Gestational Diabetes Menu For Breakfast, Mid-Day, And Dinner

It is important to learn about suitable gestational diabetes menus that will help a pregnant mother overcome her diabetes problem. Keep in mind however that a gestational diabetes menu that works for one woman might not work in the case of another and so it is a good idea that you get your doctor to recommend an appropriate gestational diabetes menu for your particular body weight, type and which must also suit your condition the best.

Plan Your Daily Food Intake

Typically, you will need to create or be recommended a suitable gestational diabetes menu for breakfast, mid-day and for dinner. Taking each such menu separately you will be able to plan out your day’s intake in a better planned manner which should ensure less suffering on account of being down with gestational diabetes.

A sample gestational diabetes menu for breakfast could include a single hardboiled egg along with a slice of whole wheat bread. In addition, you can eat a teaspoon of canola based margarine that contains no trans-fats and in addition, you can also safely consume a third of a pound of grapes followed with at most twelve ounces of fat-free skim milk. All this should enable you to control your diet and it would mean that you would end up eating just eleven grams of fat, consume approximately four hundred calories as too twenty-two grams of protein.

For snacks during the mid-morning your gestational diabetes menu should consist of a slice of whole wheat bread and one tablespoon of peanut butter, a similar amount of reduced-sugar jam or jelly and just eight ounces of fat-free skim milk.

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For lunch, your gestational diabetes menu should look like this: one large whole wheat pita along with half a cup of cooked black beans and similar amount of fresh and chopped tomato as well as an ounce of low-fat cheddar cheese plus one tablespoon of salsa and two tablespoons of olive oil.

For dinner, your gestational diabetes menu could include three ounces chicken breast, four ounces of pineapple, one tablespoon sesame seeds and the same amount of sesame oil plus two teaspoons of soy sauce along with half a cup of green beans, quarter cup of instance rice (uncooked) and one teaspoon of cornstarch and finally quarter pound of strawberries (fresh.)

A gestational diabetes meal plan, when properly formulated, can help to keep blood sugar levels in an acceptable range. The best person that can help you create a suitable meal plan is of course a dietician or your doctor or any one that educates others on handling diabetes problems.

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