Staying Away From The Border: Borderline Diabetes Diet

One of the major diseases that can affect an individual’s health is a diabetic condition. Generally, there are three diabetic conditions that can be experienced by an individual. Those three specific diabetic conditions can include type I and II diabetes and gestational diabetes.

In addition, some of these diabetic conditions can be avoided while other diabetic conditions are due to a specific condition that the individual is experiencing or can be due to their genetic makeup. In addition, diabetes can be measured in stages. Therefore, if being diagnosed as a borderline diabetic, it is important to adhere to a borderline diabetes diet.

Types Of Diabetes

The medical condition known as diabetes can be basically compiled into three specific diabetic conditions. Those three specific diabetic conditions include type I diabetes, type II diabetes and Gestational diabetes.

The basic difference between these three conditions is that an individual who is a type I diabetic is usually an individual who is diagnosed at an early age. In particular this type of diabetic condition reveals that the young person’s pancreas is not able to produce any insulin or very minimal amounts.

Additionally, type II diabetes is the most frequently diagnosed condition of diabetes and is more common amongst individuals and specifically may be diagnosed in specific ethnicities. Those ethnicities that have a higher rate of type II diabetes are African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans. In this particular type of diabetes the individual is also unable to produce insulin, but often this condition arises as a person progresses in age.

The other major type of diabetic condition is gestational diabetes. This is a medical condition that affects the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin due to a woman’s pregnancy. Specifically, the pregnant woman experiences high blood sugar levels during the course of the pregnancy. This leads to the body’s inability to secrete enough insulin to manage the higher levels of sugar produced during the pregnancy of the woman.

Borderline Diabetes
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Another condition that may exist but may not be considered as a condition of full-blown diabetes is a condition known as borderline diabetes. A borderline diabetic is an individual whose fasting blood sugar level test that comes back from the medical laboratory has a range of 100 to 125 mg/dL.

If an individual has been diagnosed with this condition, it is important to take measures to prevent this condition from moving to being classified as a full diabetic. Some of those measures that can be taken include an exercise program, having one’s blood checked regularly and adhering to a borderline diabetes diet.

Although there is no uniform borderline diabetes diet, there are specific diabetes diet guidelines that should be followed. Therefore, a borderline diabetes diet consists of foods that are low in sugar content and consist of the minimal use of animal products. In addition, a borderline diabetes diet should be rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

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